Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Beauty of Small Things
waiting patiently
the beauty of small things
treasures unending, unseen
the beauty of small things
without fanfare or fireworks
for you to notice
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010

2 yrs in the making this beautifully documents the journey of one woman's choice to home birth during a time of protests against legislation which would make independant midwifery impossible and take this womans choice away from her. this month, JULY 2010, saw the implementation of these (out)laws. Rani will be screening the documentary for the first time this month, as we wade through seemingly endless anti-homebirth media reports, opinion pieces and "news", since Danii Minogue became the new poster girl for anti-homebirth.
so we end the winter, the *winter *of our patriarchal overlords- for when you hold down a labouring woman and take her cubs your need to be prepared to get bitten.
winter, the time we retreat to the glow of our television, (read fire in cave), and ponder the images it thrusts into our slumbering minds... only to talk with others about these strange things- oh yes- masterchef™ is a fine distraction, meanwhile oil is spewing into the US occupied waters, war rages, dr who is dead possibly dead, and banning homebirth is the focus of many journalist (read ignorant human replica). WHY do less than 2% of women who give birth choose to birth at home? why not more? when something so normal, so natural, is pushed to the point of unexisting, along with breast feeding and mothering, we will have the peak of patriarchal dominance.
birth hour,
danii minogue,
womens rights
Friday, July 2, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
An Almost Broken Home
Dark, Cold, Alone
Spiderwebs and cold blue lino
white carpet in the good room
a piano with Beethoven's bust perched on the edge
A drinks bar tucked away in the corner
brothers disappearing one by one
violence, anger
teenage boys, loud music, Peter Frampton
Dog dead at 11
Mother gone at 6
New mother at 9
Alone with new mother and old father
border comes to live from Orange
A squeaky back door fly-screen
boyfriend sneaking in my window
Caught out in the morning
Footy on the tele Sunday night
Roast chicken
pancakes, lasagna
dark green carpet in my room
no more brothers - all gone
A new family-I am a stranger
Polished wooden floors
white windows, cracked glass
half way done, never finished
leaky toilets
hot pink sheets and mirrors
white furniture bright
a curly chandelier
a wood fire
4 kids
school bags, old bananas
cups of tea
roast dinner on Sunday night
cold light
granite bench-tops
raw wooden floors
colourful paintings
a converted garage
clothes and washing never ending
constant crumbs on the floor
mismatched doors
trinket boxes
books, books, books
noise and peace
a hundred shoes at the front door
wet towels
3 litre milk
unsatisfied appetites
sport science music, art
spiders, bark and leaves
unmade beds, dirty plates
sawdust, tools and doors
an almost broken home
Dark, Cold, Alone
Spiderwebs and cold blue lino
white carpet in the good room
a piano with Beethoven's bust perched on the edge
A drinks bar tucked away in the corner
brothers disappearing one by one
violence, anger
teenage boys, loud music, Peter Frampton
Dog dead at 11
Mother gone at 6
New mother at 9
Alone with new mother and old father
border comes to live from Orange
A squeaky back door fly-screen
boyfriend sneaking in my window
Caught out in the morning
Footy on the tele Sunday night
Roast chicken
pancakes, lasagna
dark green carpet in my room
no more brothers - all gone
A new family-I am a stranger
Polished wooden floors
white windows, cracked glass
half way done, never finished
leaky toilets
hot pink sheets and mirrors
white furniture bright
a curly chandelier
a wood fire
4 kids
school bags, old bananas
cups of tea
roast dinner on Sunday night
cold light
granite bench-tops
raw wooden floors
colourful paintings
a converted garage
clothes and washing never ending
constant crumbs on the floor
mismatched doors
trinket boxes
books, books, books
noise and peace
a hundred shoes at the front door
wet towels
3 litre milk
unsatisfied appetites
sport science music, art
spiders, bark and leaves
unmade beds, dirty plates
sawdust, tools and doors
an almost broken home
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
home is where the hearth

home is where i am with my beloved family, be that in a van travelling, or in a rented house in the 'burbs. we always set up a hearth. the fire is the heart that warms us, feeds us and connects us. we welcome our loved family and friends to share our hearth, our wealth and our warmth. material things do not matter to us, but they enrich our home.
June is Home
What is home to you?
Where is home?
Where do you go to bring you back to yourself?
What reminds you of who you are and where you true self belongs?
How long has it been since you've seen that place, felt that peace?
Come back home...just for a moment
Is it a chair by the window?
Is it an old coat you wear when you need to return home?
Are you transported back home when you smell freshly baked bread?
Does it envelop you as you close your eyes and hear your breath?
Do you feel home in the laughter of friends, in the arms of a lover?
Are you home when you dive into the ocean, or pick up a paint brush or listen to music?
Come home.....
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
ranting and raving, canting and craving.
ranting and raving,
canting and craving.
the lobbying seems pointless, the cause lost.
the fight for women's rights at your own family's cost.
now i crave to be a present mother and wife,
the political struggles no longer my life.
the children grow fast, as you know,
all time without them, is a seed i don't sow.
I crave to be with them, and learn their ways
To be present for each part of their day.
I want to look back and know i was there,
rather than sitting always in this chair.
Activism is great, we should speak out,
teach the kids what it's all about.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
All this I crave
What is it about toe curling, heart thumping, exhilarating sex?
What is it about hitting the pillow after a long bizzy day?
What is it about a long chat with a dear treasured friend?
What is it with cuddling up on a winter's night with someone that you love?
And what about some rich, smooth, creamy chocolate that melts in your
All this I crave....
By Karen WA
Saturday, May 1, 2010
and the word for May is......
Make a mask, draw, paint, write, carve, sing, make, dance, video, interview, knit, photograph, mosaic, cartoon, scrapbook, art journal, etcha sketch, sew, chalk drawing on the footpath, body paint, finger paint, collage, make a mobile, reuse and recycle, get the kids involved, write a play, use sticks and leaves, paper mache, create a portrait, write a poem.
Or...get out glue and glitter and foil and stickers and feathers and pom poms and tissue paper and gel pens and construction paper and fabric and stars and goggly eyes and flowers and throw them all up in the air and see what happens!
It could be the start of
something beautiful...
something beautiful...
What do you crave?
Upload your artwork here or at the Creative Juices flickr pool
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
still distorted
a final word from me on DISTORTION, the twisted society that leaves us bound to a meaningless life qualified by images fed to us by visual media, telling us what to think, feel and say. Our perception of ourselves is dictated by a distorted truth. Is there something Beyond the GroUndHog Day lifestyles, and the isolated family units within built up areas, the "Australian" Dream, making purchases to furnish our mundane reality with an element of fantasy?
the child is the mirror of yourself, distorted and amplified. what do you see?
a final word from me on DISTORTION, the twisted society that leaves us bound to a meaningless life qualified by images fed to us by visual media, telling us what to think, feel and say. Our perception of ourselves is dictated by a distorted truth. Is there something Beyond the GroUndHog Day lifestyles, and the isolated family units within built up areas, the "Australian" Dream, making purchases to furnish our mundane reality with an element of fantasy?
the child is the mirror of yourself, distorted and amplified. what do you see?
Friday, April 23, 2010
Distortion- Don't believe everything you read
I crave to live the life of a superficial,
materialistic, judgemental and
down right nasty piece of work
that only sees other human beings as barriers to
my supremacy and domination.
By Karen
Western Australia
materialistic, judgemental and
down right nasty piece of work
that only sees other human beings as barriers to
my supremacy and domination.
By Karen
Western Australia
Don't believe the hype- photograph by Sheryl
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
As a woman there's no getting away from society's distorted obsession with the perfect body, the perfect face, the ideal weight, the 'look'. My daughter is on the precipice of adolescence and is trying to figure out how to 'be' in the world, perfect just as she is in this moment.
So many barricades ahead of her including her own friends, boys (& men), the media machine and Lady Gaga!
My daughter is thoughtful and curious and already has a strong sense of self and belief in who she is. But when she comes home from school asking me if she's ugly it breaks my heart.
For now I will be the mirror that reflects her beauty. The beauty I can see both inside and out until she can see it for herself without distortion, without the veil of self-hatred and ridicule. As I watch her in front of her bedroom mirror she looks at her profile from this side and that, frowning. Finally she grins at her reflection and at me watching her. Head cocked to one side she winks at herself and says ' hey there gorgeous'.
So many barricades ahead of her including her own friends, boys (& men), the media machine and Lady Gaga!
My daughter is thoughtful and curious and already has a strong sense of self and belief in who she is. But when she comes home from school asking me if she's ugly it breaks my heart.
For now I will be the mirror that reflects her beauty. The beauty I can see both inside and out until she can see it for herself without distortion, without the veil of self-hatred and ridicule. As I watch her in front of her bedroom mirror she looks at her profile from this side and that, frowning. Finally she grins at her reflection and at me watching her. Head cocked to one side she winks at herself and says ' hey there gorgeous'.
body image,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

distort: to pull or twist out of shape.
to perceive your circumstances through distortion can make the mundane magical.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Hope this works...
I am taking my first baby step into the modern world, with a feeling of nervous liberation. Technology frightens me and I am aiming to slowly overcome this fear and join the modern age! Looking forward to contributing to this community and am really glad it has started, thanks Sheryl!
PS Dragonfly is Kim, excuse the alias, I need to create a bit of magic in my life, maybe it will spread from the virtual world into my real one...
PS Dragonfly is Kim, excuse the alias, I need to create a bit of magic in my life, maybe it will spread from the virtual world into my real one...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
April word of the month
One word, once a month for you to interpret any way you wish. April's word is distortion inspired by the very talented Amy.
Share your creativity by posting a link in the comments section to your own blog or join the new flickr Creative Juices pool. Looking forward to seeing what everyone creates!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Where do you create?
I have a bureau I bought from an op-shop years ago. I thought at the time it would be the perfect space to write at. A desk of one's own? I've tried to write there a few times but it just doesn't work. I store my paints and paper and other art stuff there but I don't really use it for what I intented. It just doesn't feel right. I have other places I like to create. Not always the most convenient places but they just feel good. I write in bed. I paint on the floor. I draw at the dining room table. I find my art where I can get it. And I carry my camera. The perfect mobile art studio. Where do you create? Have you got a nook tucked away or do you spread out? What space inspires you? Show us your creative space. Post directly on Creative Juices or through flickr.
Monday, March 8, 2010
international women's day

the women of the world gather
to celebrate acheivements in social, economic and political areas.
As a Player in the Ruby Bloomers Women's Circus, I'd like to recognise the achievement of these Blue Mountains women -past and present- who have been involved in creating productions, characters and entertainment for nearly 8 years.
The Ruby Bloomer's Women's Circus uses circus based theater to express issues such as women's oppression, different roles of women in society and absurdities of womens life.
the women of Ruby Bloomer range in age from 18- 55, with some not starting their clowning life until their late 40's. The women, many mothers and working have enriched their own lives, inspired others and continue to grow in strength as they develop new skills and explore ideas.
Another Blue Mountains hub of women's social and creativity is born from one womans dream to help other woman, lost in the dreary routine of life, to discover their latent creative juices. For over 5 years the idea has grown to a much loved community hub, culminating in an annual festival and art show.
Birth Hour
the Blue Mountains Community Radio, bluFM 89.1 fridays 12-2pm: informing and empowering women to own their birth space.
these are just a few examples of the wonderful acheivements of women in the Blue Mountains.
to celebrate acheivements in social, economic and political areas.
As a Player in the Ruby Bloomers Women's Circus, I'd like to recognise the achievement of these Blue Mountains women -past and present- who have been involved in creating productions, characters and entertainment for nearly 8 years.
The Ruby Bloomer's Women's Circus uses circus based theater to express issues such as women's oppression, different roles of women in society and absurdities of womens life.
the women of Ruby Bloomer range in age from 18- 55, with some not starting their clowning life until their late 40's. The women, many mothers and working have enriched their own lives, inspired others and continue to grow in strength as they develop new skills and explore ideas.
Another Blue Mountains hub of women's social and creativity is born from one womans dream to help other woman, lost in the dreary routine of life, to discover their latent creative juices. For over 5 years the idea has grown to a much loved community hub, culminating in an annual festival and art show.
Birth Hour
the Blue Mountains Community Radio, bluFM 89.1 fridays 12-2pm: informing and empowering women to own their birth space.
these are just a few examples of the wonderful acheivements of women in the Blue Mountains.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
every mother surrenders, first to pregnancy, then birth, breastfeeding, parenting... continually surrendering to the needs of another.
pure love.
because without the children life is empty, lonely and pointless.
we surrender,
openly embrace the future, but it is not our future- it is their future.
every mother surrenders, first to pregnancy, then birth, breastfeeding, parenting... continually surrendering to the needs of another.
pure love.
because without the children life is empty, lonely and pointless.
we surrender,
openly embrace the future, but it is not our future- it is their future.
Friday, March 5, 2010
I've struggled to come up with an idea for the word storm. I've thought about how much I love watching storms. Waiting in anticipation. The build up of omnious clouds, the wind growing stronger, the smell of the rain on its way. The feel of electricity in the air. Wind and sheets of rain blasting leaves and hair wildly. Thunder and lightning jostling for attention. I've watched the emormous Eucalypt trees in the bush behind my house bend to breaking point. The branches flexible like rubber bands ready to snap. How can something so strong and solid and rooted in the earth be so destorted by an invisible power?
I thought about taking a photo of a storm. Although there hasn't been a good storm for a while now. Or a photo of storming emotions. The pure rage of my children. Here one moment destroying everything in their path. Yet gone in the next instant, laughing with tears still drying on their cheeks.
I thought about drawing or painting a storm. Wildly throwing colours, playing out a storm on paper. Reds and blues swirling like the wind.
But I couldn't bring it out of me. It wasn't there. The way I see a storm. All rage and destruction, explosion and power. I can't feel that kind of a storm inside me. I have been through many storms. I have been the storm. I've been the thunder and the rain. Menacing and terrible. I've raged with my power daring anyone to get close so I could explode and send them seeking shelter. Hiding in a safe cave. My storms have been my protection. My storms have showed me that I am all I need. My storms have left me exausted and alone. Washed up and destroyed. There was so much power in my storms that I missed the beauty and the glory that a storm can teach. The wonder of the branches bending. The joy in counting the seconds between the lightning and the thunder. That's how I see the storms inside me now. A path to this moment. That first instant when the sun peaks out from behind the clouds after so much grey. There is a stillness and I have to shield my eyes from the sunlight. And it seems brighter than it ever has been before.
I thought about taking a photo of a storm. Although there hasn't been a good storm for a while now. Or a photo of storming emotions. The pure rage of my children. Here one moment destroying everything in their path. Yet gone in the next instant, laughing with tears still drying on their cheeks.
I thought about drawing or painting a storm. Wildly throwing colours, playing out a storm on paper. Reds and blues swirling like the wind.
But I couldn't bring it out of me. It wasn't there. The way I see a storm. All rage and destruction, explosion and power. I can't feel that kind of a storm inside me. I have been through many storms. I have been the storm. I've been the thunder and the rain. Menacing and terrible. I've raged with my power daring anyone to get close so I could explode and send them seeking shelter. Hiding in a safe cave. My storms have been my protection. My storms have showed me that I am all I need. My storms have left me exausted and alone. Washed up and destroyed. There was so much power in my storms that I missed the beauty and the glory that a storm can teach. The wonder of the branches bending. The joy in counting the seconds between the lightning and the thunder. That's how I see the storms inside me now. A path to this moment. That first instant when the sun peaks out from behind the clouds after so much grey. There is a stillness and I have to shield my eyes from the sunlight. And it seems brighter than it ever has been before.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Henry Miller, Reflections
Saturday, February 20, 2010
My Word of the week - Surrender
I have been reading Eat, Pray, Love for the past week and it has got me thinking about choices, pleasure and women's searches. So much of the time I struggle against the flow of life but what stands out about this book is the gracious surrendering each of us can experience in all moments of time.
So my word for this week is surrender. I am holding this within myself and witnessing how my life evolves and morphs when I consciously choose to simply surrender to it.
To stop searching for what I don't have and bless what I do.
To stop doubting the choices I make and start enjoying what I have created.
To stop starving myself of pleasure and give myself joy.
So my word for this week is surrender. I am holding this within myself and witnessing how my life evolves and morphs when I consciously choose to simply surrender to it.
To stop searching for what I don't have and bless what I do.
To stop doubting the choices I make and start enjoying what I have created.
To stop starving myself of pleasure and give myself joy.
teacup in a storm

It is true, for me, that much art and creative writing is born from sorrow, fear, oppression and the darker emotions, why is it that in happiness we forget to write in our diary, or make art or stories.
As a mother, in my teacup, I find that I am the captian. If i forget the directions, or fail to meet the mark, I have to bail out the teacup. I see other captians in their teacups doing the same; all we can do is nod, smile and keep bailing.
In TEACUPS IN A STORM you see some crowded teacups, some solo, to represent the various numbers that make up a family unit. I have left them faceless because the anonymity of isolation and the pretense that we are coping. Some of the teacup families are happy despite the storm, others are very unhappy.
It is created from sorrow, but the process of meditating the idea then expressing the idea as a picture has made the sorrow of motherhood less and the acceptance easier. We must embrace our circumstances and make the best we can with what we have, resentment is a wasted emotion: LET IT FLOW, AND LET IT GO.[way of the peaceful warrior, teachings for living in the Here and Now].
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
39 Ideas to get the juices flowing
1. cut out a potato and print with it
2. make a collage out of found things
3. write with your other hand
4. draw with your mouth
5. write about your favorite toy as a child
6. stand on a table and take a photograph
7. cut out pictures to describe your day
8. draw your favorite part of your house
9. interview your child...or borrow someone elses'
10. make a list of your 10 favorite smells
11. do the morning pages for one week
12. write a story about a secret
13. sit in silence
14. Take a photo while swinging or hanging upside down
15. go outside and lay on the grass
16. visit a place that you've always wanted to go
17. Fill an entire page in your journal with colour.
18. Video yourself talking about your passions
19. Play some music
20. Go for a walk
21. Look at yourself in the mirror and draw what you see
22. Take a photograph of a favorite outfit
23. Make something that reminds you of your first love
24. Write a letter to someone you haven't seen for a while
25. Knit something
26. Speak to an elder
27. Go to the library
28. Create a character based on someone you know
29. Write about what you think about in bed
30. Describe a 'sliding door' moment from your life
31. Cut out different shaped material and make a college from it.
32. Try a medium you haven't tried before
33. Make a lampshade
34. Write a song and record it
35. Draw your favorite poem
36. put a note on a stranger's car
37. Trace a friends feet
38. Write a happy ending to a newspaper article
39. Make a list of things you want to do before your next birthday
2. make a collage out of found things
3. write with your other hand
4. draw with your mouth
5. write about your favorite toy as a child
6. stand on a table and take a photograph
7. cut out pictures to describe your day
8. draw your favorite part of your house
9. interview your child...or borrow someone elses'
10. make a list of your 10 favorite smells
11. do the morning pages for one week
12. write a story about a secret
13. sit in silence
14. Take a photo while swinging or hanging upside down
15. go outside and lay on the grass
16. visit a place that you've always wanted to go
17. Fill an entire page in your journal with colour.
18. Video yourself talking about your passions
19. Play some music
20. Go for a walk
21. Look at yourself in the mirror and draw what you see
22. Take a photograph of a favorite outfit
23. Make something that reminds you of your first love
24. Write a letter to someone you haven't seen for a while
25. Knit something
26. Speak to an elder
27. Go to the library
28. Create a character based on someone you know
29. Write about what you think about in bed
30. Describe a 'sliding door' moment from your life
31. Cut out different shaped material and make a college from it.
32. Try a medium you haven't tried before
33. Make a lampshade
34. Write a song and record it
35. Draw your favorite poem
36. put a note on a stranger's car
37. Trace a friends feet
38. Write a happy ending to a newspaper article
39. Make a list of things you want to do before your next birthday
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
EnOugh is EnOugh: part 2

by definition "enough" means the perfect amount, no more needed, nothing more desired.
Here is a photo of the Murray River at Port Augusta, S.A. (near the end of her journey).
The Mighty Murray has been sucked dry by irrigation, as has the Darling, which, by Port Augusta, has entered the Murray along with numerous smaller rivers. YET, at a point where she should be glorious, mighty and strong- this River is a muddy trickle of her true self- and this is despite the Snowy River being redirected to compensate for the irrigation greed. The land suffers, the water suffers, and still the farmers suffer. it is never enough.
The demands for cotton. gold, rice, canola, wool and fruit produced in abundance to meet the supermarket desire for full shelves to encourage buying (the wastage is outrageous) why can't we eat seasonal, local or self grown food? because the magority of the population dwell in the concrete jungle, the cities- the lifeless wastelands. YET- in these wastelands you can live and eat of the discarded, dwell in the forgotten...
it is apparent that the more that is desired, the more taken the LESS we have. when you have enough, there is no one wanting, and nothing wasted. sustainable, satisfied, equilibrium.
so, does this mean we have too many people? or just a consumerist approach which leaves many starving and poor, while a few are wealthy and fat?
I Am Enough
My mother came over yesterday to look at the place next door which is vacant at the moment. The "For Lease" sign has been taken down but it is just sitting there vacant. Would it possibly be coming up for sale? Mum was interested in having a look and I encouraged her. I thought she might see how lucky she is with what she had just bought, not yet 9 months ago, just around the corner from us.
What struck me this morning as I looked out my bedroom window onto the roof of the house next door was that Mum would never be happy. She will never be satisfied with what she has. It will never be good enough and someone else will always have something better. Something she wants. This struck me as really important for me to understand. It reminded me of the Jamaican bob sledder movie I had just watched with my kids. Its message being it is not just winning that is important but whether you feel enough within yourself even when you do win. When there is a dissatisfaction, even when you do win, it shows that without winning you feel worthless. But this does not have to be so.
This is like Mum in her circumstances. She has not worked for most of her adult life, yet she has managed to buy a really nice house close to shops and us. It's clean and fresh and its on a huge block but she is not satisfied. It is not enough. She wants the place next door to us. This place is darker, older, in disrepair but she wants it because it is like ours - backs onto the bush (yes and ours is in disrepair too! hahaha). She only sees what she wants to see. She covets what others have. She may move in there and not be happy with that either. She is bored, she wants stimulation. She says that she misses the excitement of the process of buying and selling. She is not entirely settled.
When should you settle. When should it be enough. Should we always want more, aim for progress or should we be grateful for what we have? Should we be happy with our situation or should we expect more. Should we strive for whatever it takes to make ourselves better? I suppose there is a time for more and improving yourself and there is a time for settling with and knowing that this is to be enjoyed for the moment. Imagine if you were the gold medalist and you questioned your joy instead of living and being exhilarated in the moment. That would be dreadful. How long must it have taken you to get there and you can still question your joy. Even in that joyous moment there is no peace-no clam-no merging with ecstasy.
So too is it with our everyday lives. When we have been working towards something and we achieve it, there needs to be a celebration. A time of basking and bathing in the glory of the moment rather than questioning and criticizing what you didn't do right. How often do I allow myself to be joyful at a joyful moment or do I hold myself back? What can you be celebrating in your life today that you have not seen as a joy? Your arms, legs, mind, health, a roof over your head. What achievements have you made but forgotten to take the time to acknowledge? It is so easy to see what you don't have until that too is gone. We may become immune to what we already have.
Imagine if you came from a country where wars ragged and where life was counted in days rather than in years. Where fresh food and vegetables were hard to come by and where women were treated as property. Imagine no social security system or national health care. If you are to come at life from this perspective then what we have here in Australia is immense opportunity. We have relatively so much freedom and wealth, access to education, housing and freedom from poverty.
It is not that simply either. There is a relativeness about life that human nature gets caught up in. What surrounds us becomes the norm. When we are more than the norm we think we are doing well, when we are less than the norm we think we are not so well off. Where are you on the continuum. It all still comes down to perspective. Even in wealthier societies we can feel poor, less than, suffer violence, abuse, discrimination and dis-empowerment. It is important not to dismiss these perspectives as unimportant as they are real and live in the psyche of the society. This can be perpetuated by those in powerful positions either subconsciously or to consciously make themselves feel more than those that have less than them.
It all comes back to power and perspective. If life is viewed from a dis-empowered way it will be difficult for you to perceive opportunities and you may get stuck in "I can't" 'There is no point" or "It is no use" "What can a little soul like me do?" Alternatively you could blow you power out of proportion in a grandiose way of saving the world without changing your own world.
If we take the time to see what we do have, the simple yet powerful things we can begin to see our daily gifts.........and where our real power comes from like:
real life friendships, a tree in our garden, the ability to see the moon, a warm bed to sleep in, arms to hold a child with love, skin to feel love given, food to fill our bellies, access to education for our learning, our senses, our intuition, our soul, our direct access to the divine universe.
We need to summon our inner power, our inner spirit and nurture that so we can hold our head high in the material world of things rather than be defined by them. We are more than our material selves. Our spirit is the key to our sense of satisfaction, of knowing that we are enough, that we are more than enough. Our spirit and inner soul is enough. If we can perceive that and be empowered by that then anything in life is possible. If you feel inadequate now, you will still feel inadequate when you reach your perceived material goal. You need to be enough within yourself before you can feel rich and full and satisfied.
What struck me this morning as I looked out my bedroom window onto the roof of the house next door was that Mum would never be happy. She will never be satisfied with what she has. It will never be good enough and someone else will always have something better. Something she wants. This struck me as really important for me to understand. It reminded me of the Jamaican bob sledder movie I had just watched with my kids. Its message being it is not just winning that is important but whether you feel enough within yourself even when you do win. When there is a dissatisfaction, even when you do win, it shows that without winning you feel worthless. But this does not have to be so.

When should you settle. When should it be enough. Should we always want more, aim for progress or should we be grateful for what we have? Should we be happy with our situation or should we expect more. Should we strive for whatever it takes to make ourselves better? I suppose there is a time for more and improving yourself and there is a time for settling with and knowing that this is to be enjoyed for the moment. Imagine if you were the gold medalist and you questioned your joy instead of living and being exhilarated in the moment. That would be dreadful. How long must it have taken you to get there and you can still question your joy. Even in that joyous moment there is no peace-no clam-no merging with ecstasy.
So too is it with our everyday lives. When we have been working towards something and we achieve it, there needs to be a celebration. A time of basking and bathing in the glory of the moment rather than questioning and criticizing what you didn't do right. How often do I allow myself to be joyful at a joyful moment or do I hold myself back? What can you be celebrating in your life today that you have not seen as a joy? Your arms, legs, mind, health, a roof over your head. What achievements have you made but forgotten to take the time to acknowledge? It is so easy to see what you don't have until that too is gone. We may become immune to what we already have.
Imagine if you came from a country where wars ragged and where life was counted in days rather than in years. Where fresh food and vegetables were hard to come by and where women were treated as property. Imagine no social security system or national health care. If you are to come at life from this perspective then what we have here in Australia is immense opportunity. We have relatively so much freedom and wealth, access to education, housing and freedom from poverty.
It is not that simply either. There is a relativeness about life that human nature gets caught up in. What surrounds us becomes the norm. When we are more than the norm we think we are doing well, when we are less than the norm we think we are not so well off. Where are you on the continuum. It all still comes down to perspective. Even in wealthier societies we can feel poor, less than, suffer violence, abuse, discrimination and dis-empowerment. It is important not to dismiss these perspectives as unimportant as they are real and live in the psyche of the society. This can be perpetuated by those in powerful positions either subconsciously or to consciously make themselves feel more than those that have less than them.
It all comes back to power and perspective. If life is viewed from a dis-empowered way it will be difficult for you to perceive opportunities and you may get stuck in "I can't" 'There is no point" or "It is no use" "What can a little soul like me do?" Alternatively you could blow you power out of proportion in a grandiose way of saving the world without changing your own world.

real life friendships, a tree in our garden, the ability to see the moon, a warm bed to sleep in, arms to hold a child with love, skin to feel love given, food to fill our bellies, access to education for our learning, our senses, our intuition, our soul, our direct access to the divine universe.
We need to summon our inner power, our inner spirit and nurture that so we can hold our head high in the material world of things rather than be defined by them. We are more than our material selves. Our spirit is the key to our sense of satisfaction, of knowing that we are enough, that we are more than enough. Our spirit and inner soul is enough. If we can perceive that and be empowered by that then anything in life is possible. If you feel inadequate now, you will still feel inadequate when you reach your perceived material goal. You need to be enough within yourself before you can feel rich and full and satisfied.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
EnOugh is EnOugh

I've had ENOUGH children. 3 daughters to care for, we have ENOUGH money- we don't need much. Sometimes I say "I've had ENOUGH"- but i know, i would gladly cope with more.
the MORE children I have the MORE active I become. I do much MORE now than when I was only responsible for me- I used to say "there's not ENOUGH time", but now I make the time.
Resourceful and organised, we can have ENOUGH.
With many voices we say "WE"VE HAD ENOUGH" - but we are not heard, or rather ignored... whether we rally for home birth, old growth forest or climate change...
Have you heard of FREEGANISM? when there is EXCESS produced that you can eat from dumpsters, a society with MORE then ENOUGH, has given birth to a movement, a lifestyle, and a solution. Dumpster Diving and Squatting unused buildings, occupying spaces that are forgotten, and discarded.
Mother Earth has ENOUGH, yet we rape her resources to fill the wallets of a few. These FEW will never have ENOUGH in their wallet, for they are soulless destroyers, without conscience.
well i say: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, do you really need that Air-Con? what are you consuming? and does it really matter? I hear of the fad about 365 consumer-free challenge: but mostly it is a joke at best- "OH" they say, "i'll buy no new clothes for a year!" but I'll still drive my 4WD, and have the pay-tv and the Air-Con and the gormet organic food imported from italy... get real. Are you so consumerist that the challenge reduces your consumption to a point still higher than the average hippy or low-income family?
THINK about it.
ENOUGH said!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Our Next Juicy Assignment
OK......Kids are back at school it is time to get stuck into spending a bit of time getting those juicy juices going.
"Our next creative assignment is all about ENOUGH."
What is enough to you? Maybe you've had enough of something or someone. Maybe you are not getting enough!!! Are you ever going to be satisfied when you have enough?
Here is the space and time for you to paint, sculpt, make, draw, photograph, write, doodle, post inspiring quotes, links to news items....WHATEVER GETS YOUR JUICES go to it juicy women. You've got the next two weeks to post on this topic starting from now
"Our next creative assignment is all about ENOUGH."
What is enough to you? Maybe you've had enough of something or someone. Maybe you are not getting enough!!! Are you ever going to be satisfied when you have enough?
Here is the space and time for you to paint, sculpt, make, draw, photograph, write, doodle, post inspiring quotes, links to news items....WHATEVER GETS YOUR JUICES go to it juicy women. You've got the next two weeks to post on this topic starting from now
Friday, February 5, 2010
Take a deep breath and begin
Hello Juicy women
For some time now I've wanted to create a space that inspired like minded women to explore and grow through art. Unfortunately I put the idea on the back burner while I worked and studied and raised my children. And there it sat quietly. Every now and again there would be a little voice calling to me.
'Sheryl remember how you feel when you draw, listening to the music you love. How you feel that you've come home in the presence of women making, creating, growing. When you see the beauty you can capture in a photograph and it speaks without words.
'What is it that makes your heart sing?
When do you truly feel you?'
There were fears of not being good enough, of not having the time, of starting and then letting people down. Its easy to find excuses when your looking for them.
Suprisingly I didn't make a new years resolution to do this. Maybe thats why it happened. I simply pushed those excuses aside. I told myself that my passions are important to me. That there are many women out there who are like me. That need this space as much as I do. I spoke to myself lovingly, as a friend. And I listened.
Then I set myself a deadline took a deep breath and hit the post button.
After the kids are in bed with dishes still in the sink and uniforms to be ironed women scrape time together to open up their journals, to pull out their pencils and paints, to cut and glue and create a space to remind them who they are. But then it becomes too easy to switch on the TV or wash up or find excuses why they haven't got time for their journals and paints. Why they haven't got the space for themselves.
This is that space. Just for you. All of us holding hands, coming home to ourselves.
Thank you for taking a deep breath and beginning with me. I'm looking forward to walking alongside friends old, new and as yet undiscovered.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
In the beginning...

In the Beginning, before blogs, before computers, before civilisation, the first artist made the first creative mark. my guess was that artist was Lilith. [read "Daughter of Night: A tale of three worlds" by Lydia Obukhova].
Since Lilith, the original mother, many daughters have inherited the innate desire to create. To bring forth beauty, expression, ideas and to perpetuate them into the future through our daughters.
Our deep creative wisdom is often flawed, hidden or forgotten- since a society developed with masculine ideals and the sacred feminine beaten back into depths, darkness.
For many the journey into motherhood brings these memories to the fore, inspiring women to create. This is why BIRTH is so sacred, this is why the midwives were hunted.
Birth, the sacred feminine, the glorious journey of transformation, has been slowly stolen from the women and is largely forgotten. But for the dwindling Number of women who do have a natural birth these forgotten pathways open- though they may not understand the transformation, these woman are changed.
You may think you are not artistic, or creative, but awaken the deep memory of Lilith and forget the prescribed notions of "art", and discover your Gifts.
witch hunt
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Beginning Again with Awareness
New Beginnings
Are beginnings really the marker for what has just ended? Do beginnings have to come after destruction? Or are they built step by step on old bodies, old ideas and old ways. If we pile up new beginnings one on top of the other upon questionable foundations, eventually these new beginnings will topple over, crash down and collapse. The new beginnings will be destroyed. If you are seeking genuine change then there is a need to recognize if your new beginning is grafted onto old ideas that are incompatible otherwise your foundation will not be supportive. The new growth will not survive.
We can fool ourselves into thinking that we are starting afresh everyday. We may have made a mistake, acted hastily, hurt our selves or made promises we cannot keep, but we cannot continually begin a new page without sorting out what needs to be sorted first.You can have a thousand new beginnings, all bright shiny and new, full of promise or wistfully pretend that you can leave your past behind forever or wipe it clean and start again. It is too simplistic to think that way.
When I was a young child at school I made many spelling mistakes. There was no white out to correct them so I would start a new page. I had to do this quiet a lot. But every time I started a new page I would miss what the teacher was saying and I had to try to catch up. This would mean I would make more mistakes. I couldn't keep starting a new page again and again or I would have ended up with pages filled with meaningless scribble. There would be no substance to my work. Sometimes you have to accept the mistakes and move on. This is entirely different to just wanting to start something new every time you stuff up.
New beginnings are enticing. They offer the promise of making things right, of doing things properly this time. They can also be a trap. New beginnings can be part of a cyclical process of life, birth, death, life. There may be many many smaller new beginnings that are easily mistaken for that break you've been looking for, the answer to your prayers but they ultimately end up being false starts. It is only when the larger pattern emerges in hindsight that we can see that new beginnings can only come after we truly release everything; our hopes and fears. When we have nothing left to loose ironically this is a precious time when we can genuinely start anew. Even when we start afresh we can never be completely devoid of the past because this is what makes you who you are....this is what has led you to this very moment in time. Where you are now is eternally linked to your past and for that matter to your future as well.
You can feel within your soul self when you are experiencing a genuine new beginning or a false dawn. Even when they are not the all encompassing change that you may be looking for these smaller false dawns or new beginnings are still a necessary part of the process. Even when you know they are not the "real thing" you may still feel compelled to begin them anyway. Sometimes you must begin them as they will lead you to where you need to go. The important thing is to be aware of the kind of new beginning that you are embarking upon. It is only through taking one step again and again in the direction you wish to travel that you will eventually wake up one morning to find you have genuinely reached a new path that leads to the mountain crest that you have been searching for.
Persistence in beginning again and again until you reach this new path is essential to help you in reaching your mountain top. But how do you know if you are performing mindless repetitiveness or are being caught in an endless cycle of new beginnings, without ever moving far along life's journey. You need to be aware of the trap of some new beginnings which keep you on an endless search for what turns out to be fools gold. You need to be aware that you cannot leave your past behind unexamined. Unless you take responsibility for where you are standing right now, you will be powerless to fully dispose of the negative aspects and find difficulty in integrating past experiences into who you are now. There can be no real new beginning until you own who you are, otherwise your past will simply follow you.
We have all been lured into thinking we have started again. New years diets, this year will be different, I won't accept poor behavior or I will do better with this new job only to find our motivation wanning or that we have inadvertently taken a wrong turn. You sense an impending repeat of past patterns. This can be soul destroying and you may wonder when you will find your genuine new beginning.
It takes great courage to start again, to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and begin again; but you must. You must keep living your spirit. The key to finding the new beginning which is right for you is awareness. You need acceptance of your past and who you are and of you current circumstances which you find yourself in. You need to take responsibility for the then, now and future actions. You need to be honest with yourself but also forgiving and gentle. Most of all you need to listen to the wisdom of your heart, your spirit and your soul. Have the courage to do what you know you must, what you know every creature, tree, star, moon and stream has to do eventually and that is to BEGIN.
The great cycle of life turns once again and you can start afresh but always remember you are the sum of all that has been and you are the part of what is to come. Choose your new beginnings wisely and know that if you listen to your divine inner spirit you will be guided safely.
Whatever your inspiration or aspirations are be it a spiritual, creative journey you are yearning for or a solid secure life for your family, a new job, relationship or house - Begin. You may have promised yourself that you would eat more healthily, exercise regularly, begin a creative pursuit, leave a damaging relationship or move away from negative influences. Well NOW is the time. Just summon your courage, gather divine support from within and lift one foot after the other. I urge you to begin even if it is not your "right path" this time. By beginning you have summoned the courage to live life, to believe in yourself and to care enough to know that you can carry yourself forward by summoning your spirit.
Are beginnings really the marker for what has just ended? Do beginnings have to come after destruction? Or are they built step by step on old bodies, old ideas and old ways. If we pile up new beginnings one on top of the other upon questionable foundations, eventually these new beginnings will topple over, crash down and collapse. The new beginnings will be destroyed. If you are seeking genuine change then there is a need to recognize if your new beginning is grafted onto old ideas that are incompatible otherwise your foundation will not be supportive. The new growth will not survive.
We can fool ourselves into thinking that we are starting afresh everyday. We may have made a mistake, acted hastily, hurt our selves or made promises we cannot keep, but we cannot continually begin a new page without sorting out what needs to be sorted first.You can have a thousand new beginnings, all bright shiny and new, full of promise or wistfully pretend that you can leave your past behind forever or wipe it clean and start again. It is too simplistic to think that way.

New beginnings are enticing. They offer the promise of making things right, of doing things properly this time. They can also be a trap. New beginnings can be part of a cyclical process of life, birth, death, life. There may be many many smaller new beginnings that are easily mistaken for that break you've been looking for, the answer to your prayers but they ultimately end up being false starts. It is only when the larger pattern emerges in hindsight that we can see that new beginnings can only come after we truly release everything; our hopes and fears. When we have nothing left to loose ironically this is a precious time when we can genuinely start anew. Even when we start afresh we can never be completely devoid of the past because this is what makes you who you are....this is what has led you to this very moment in time. Where you are now is eternally linked to your past and for that matter to your future as well.
You can feel within your soul self when you are experiencing a genuine new beginning or a false dawn. Even when they are not the all encompassing change that you may be looking for these smaller false dawns or new beginnings are still a necessary part of the process. Even when you know they are not the "real thing" you may still feel compelled to begin them anyway. Sometimes you must begin them as they will lead you to where you need to go. The important thing is to be aware of the kind of new beginning that you are embarking upon. It is only through taking one step again and again in the direction you wish to travel that you will eventually wake up one morning to find you have genuinely reached a new path that leads to the mountain crest that you have been searching for.
Persistence in beginning again and again until you reach this new path is essential to help you in reaching your mountain top. But how do you know if you are performing mindless repetitiveness or are being caught in an endless cycle of new beginnings, without ever moving far along life's journey. You need to be aware of the trap of some new beginnings which keep you on an endless search for what turns out to be fools gold. You need to be aware that you cannot leave your past behind unexamined. Unless you take responsibility for where you are standing right now, you will be powerless to fully dispose of the negative aspects and find difficulty in integrating past experiences into who you are now. There can be no real new beginning until you own who you are, otherwise your past will simply follow you.
We have all been lured into thinking we have started again. New years diets, this year will be different, I won't accept poor behavior or I will do better with this new job only to find our motivation wanning or that we have inadvertently taken a wrong turn. You sense an impending repeat of past patterns. This can be soul destroying and you may wonder when you will find your genuine new beginning.
It takes great courage to start again, to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and begin again; but you must. You must keep living your spirit. The key to finding the new beginning which is right for you is awareness. You need acceptance of your past and who you are and of you current circumstances which you find yourself in. You need to take responsibility for the then, now and future actions. You need to be honest with yourself but also forgiving and gentle. Most of all you need to listen to the wisdom of your heart, your spirit and your soul. Have the courage to do what you know you must, what you know every creature, tree, star, moon and stream has to do eventually and that is to BEGIN.
The great cycle of life turns once again and you can start afresh but always remember you are the sum of all that has been and you are the part of what is to come. Choose your new beginnings wisely and know that if you listen to your divine inner spirit you will be guided safely.
Whatever your inspiration or aspirations are be it a spiritual, creative journey you are yearning for or a solid secure life for your family, a new job, relationship or house - Begin. You may have promised yourself that you would eat more healthily, exercise regularly, begin a creative pursuit, leave a damaging relationship or move away from negative influences. Well NOW is the time. Just summon your courage, gather divine support from within and lift one foot after the other. I urge you to begin even if it is not your "right path" this time. By beginning you have summoned the courage to live life, to believe in yourself and to care enough to know that you can carry yourself forward by summoning your spirit.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
We shall not cease from exploration
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started
and know the place for the first time
T.S. Eliot
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
Douglas Adams
Beginning again
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Welcome to our collabration, our celebration, our creation. This is a space to allow our creative juices to flow and hopefully to inspire you too. Using photography, writing, painting whatever takes our fancy we'll explore themes and ideas and ourselves.
'Eye Sea' by Sheryl
This fortnight's project is Beginning.
Using pen and paper, prose or paint the challenge is to discover what beginning means to you.
If you'd like to explore with us you can link your flickr account in the comments section of this post.
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Blog Archive
- surrender
- My Word of the week - Surrender
- teacup in a storm
- 39 Ideas to get the juices flowing
- enough
- EnOugh is EnOugh: part 2
- I Am Enough
- EnOugh is EnOugh
- Our Next Juicy Assignment
- Take a deep breath and begin
- Marrey Mooar (Deep Sea) From the depths they s...
- In the beginning...
- Beginning Again with Awareness