Tuesday, June 8, 2010

An Almost Broken Home


Dark, Cold, Alone
Spiderwebs and cold blue lino
white carpet in the good room
a piano with Beethoven's bust perched on the edge
A drinks bar tucked away in the corner
brothers disappearing one by one
violence, anger
teenage boys, loud music, Peter Frampton
Dog dead at 11
Mother gone at 6
New mother at 9
Alone with new mother and old father
border comes to live from Orange
A squeaky back door fly-screen
boyfriend sneaking in my window
Caught out in the morning
Footy on the tele Sunday night
Roast chicken
pancakes, lasagna
dark green carpet in my room
no more brothers - all gone
A new family-I am a stranger

Polished wooden floors
white windows, cracked glass
half way done, never finished
leaky toilets
hot pink sheets and mirrors
white furniture bright
a curly chandelier
a wood fire
4 kids
school bags, old bananas
cups of tea
roast dinner on Sunday night
cold light
granite bench-tops
raw wooden floors
colourful paintings
a converted garage
clothes and washing never ending
constant crumbs on the floor
mismatched doors
trinket boxes
books, books, books
noise and peace
a hundred shoes at the front door
wet towels
3 litre milk
unsatisfied appetites
sport science music, art
spiders, bark and leaves
unmade beds, dirty plates
sawdust, tools and doors
an almost broken home

1 comment:

  1. i really like this. i'd like to do a list of my life to.... this is wonderful

