Friday, February 5, 2010

Take a deep breath and begin

Hello Juicy women

Thanks for responding with so much enthusiasm! I'm so excited that finally this online community has begun.

For some time now I've wanted to create a space that inspired like minded women to explore and grow through art. Unfortunately I put the idea on the back burner while I worked and studied and raised my children. And there it sat quietly. Every now and again there would be a little voice calling to me.

'Sheryl remember how you feel when you draw, listening to the music you love. How you feel that you've come home in the presence of women making, creating, growing. When you see the beauty you can capture in a photograph and it speaks without words.

'What is it that makes your heart sing?
When do you truly feel you?'

There were fears of not being good enough, of not having the time, of starting and then letting people down. Its easy to find excuses when your looking for them.

Suprisingly I didn't make a new years resolution to do this. Maybe thats why it happened. I simply pushed those excuses aside. I told myself that my passions are important to me. That there are many women out there who are like me. That need this space as much as I do. I spoke to myself lovingly, as a friend. And I listened.

Then I set myself a deadline took a deep breath and hit the post button.

After the kids are in bed with dishes still in the sink and uniforms to be ironed women scrape time together to open up their journals, to pull out their pencils and paints, to cut and glue and create a space to remind them who they are. But then it becomes too easy to switch on the TV or wash up or find excuses why they haven't got time for their journals and paints. Why they haven't got the space for themselves.

This is that space. Just for you. All of us holding hands, coming home to ourselves.

Thank you for taking a deep breath and beginning with me. I'm looking forward to walking alongside friends old, new and as yet undiscovered.

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