Wednesday, June 16, 2010


home                                      less

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

An Almost Broken Home


Dark, Cold, Alone
Spiderwebs and cold blue lino
white carpet in the good room
a piano with Beethoven's bust perched on the edge
A drinks bar tucked away in the corner
brothers disappearing one by one
violence, anger
teenage boys, loud music, Peter Frampton
Dog dead at 11
Mother gone at 6
New mother at 9
Alone with new mother and old father
border comes to live from Orange
A squeaky back door fly-screen
boyfriend sneaking in my window
Caught out in the morning
Footy on the tele Sunday night
Roast chicken
pancakes, lasagna
dark green carpet in my room
no more brothers - all gone
A new family-I am a stranger

Polished wooden floors
white windows, cracked glass
half way done, never finished
leaky toilets
hot pink sheets and mirrors
white furniture bright
a curly chandelier
a wood fire
4 kids
school bags, old bananas
cups of tea
roast dinner on Sunday night
cold light
granite bench-tops
raw wooden floors
colourful paintings
a converted garage
clothes and washing never ending
constant crumbs on the floor
mismatched doors
trinket boxes
books, books, books
noise and peace
a hundred shoes at the front door
wet towels
3 litre milk
unsatisfied appetites
sport science music, art
spiders, bark and leaves
unmade beds, dirty plates
sawdust, tools and doors
an almost broken home

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

home is where the hearth

home is where i am with my beloved family, be that in a van travelling, or in a rented house in the 'burbs. we always set up a hearth. the fire is the heart that warms us, feeds us and connects us. we welcome our loved family and friends to share our hearth, our wealth and our warmth. material things do not matter to us, but they enrich our home.

June is Home


What is home to you?
Where is home?
Where do you go to bring you back to yourself?
What reminds you of who you are and where you true self belongs? 
How long has it been since you've seen that place, felt that peace?
Come back home...just for a moment
Is it a chair by the window?
Is it an old coat you wear when you need to return home?
Are you transported back home when you smell freshly baked bread?
Does it envelop you as you close your eyes and hear your breath?
Do you feel home in the laughter of friends, in the arms of a lover?
Are you home when you dive into the ocean, or pick up a paint brush or listen to music?

Come home.....
